Water Pavilion Ordrupgaard

Water Pavilion Ordrupgaard

Year: 2023
Materials: water, jets, pumps, iron grating, stainless steel, nozzles, electrical pumps, programmed control
Dimensions: 220 x 1200 x 1000 cm

Permanent installation at Ordrupgaard, Charlottenlund, Denmark

Photos: Anders Sune Berg and Robert Banović

Acting as a stimulating contrast to the strict geometrical system of the French inspired rose garden at Ordrupgaard, the accessible water pavilion is intended as a contemporary intervention and extension of the existing park. The oval outline of the water pavilion is subdivided by four inner water walls, thus creating different spatial configurations – an enclosed ellipse, halved oval or three-cornered rooms  all of which are defined by the 2.30-meter-high water walls that randomly rise and fall.

The installation simultaneously transforms one’s perspective and direction by alternating the walls of water in various sequences. The scope of movement within the garden is playfully altered and the liquid architecture becomes an essential element of the site. The water pavilion provides an additional opportunity to not only see the surroundings from unusual vistas, but also hide inside the water enclosure. In doing so, it promotes interaction and communication between visitors and creates a dialogue with the surroundings.