Reflection on Waves

The ocean always appealed to me and inspired me in many ways. When its calm and its surface smooth, it reflects like a mirror; when set it in motion by the wind, ever-changing structures emerge. Its colours range from sky blue, to orange-red when drenched by the sunset, to nocturnal black. The motion of the waves reminds me of how our breath flows through our body and the rhythm of life. Jeppe Hein

Reflection on Waves are rectangular mirror canvases, composed of mirror foil mounted on a frame, covered with waves painted by the artist. The dynamic structure of the waves is created with the help of the artist’s breath: while inhaling he paints the wave going up, when exhaling the wave goes down again. Between the painted waves, viewers catch their mirror image, thus relating to the reflection on waves.



Reflection on Waves #01 - #05

Year: 2023

Materials: Acrylic on mirror foil on aluminum frame

Dimensions: 90 x 90 x 4 cm

Reflection on Waves #06

Year: 2023

Materials: Acrylic on mirror foil on aluminum frame

Dimensions: 110 x 110 x 4 cm